Hello everyone,
As summer fast approaches hopefully you are reading this as the sun shines and the skies are blue. A very busy time in schools ahead with exams, reports and hopefully some fun too. Just to keep you up to date with all things ECF though:
What’s Happening in June?
September 21 starters and January 22 starters – you will be working through your development cycle. If you are due to complete induction at the end of this term, please try to book some time with your mentor to discuss your development beyond the ECF!
April 22 starters and September 22 starters – you will be working through th final module of the Year 1 programme. Year 2 induction conferences are coming up in July. If you haven’t yet registered, please do so here: https://forms.gle/nRGXwAKkzgt7aPfV7
January 23 starters – you will be working through Module 4.
Y1 mentors – your seminars will take pace during the week beginning 19th June.
Year 2 induction for mentors who will be mentoring a Year 2 ECT in September 23 will be held in July. If you haven’t yet registered, please do so here: https://forms.gle/ymM38FaCBjMxcCgc6
Y2 induction booking will now close on 25th May 2023.
Teach First Ofsted Inspection of Early Career Framework
The Teach First ECF programme has been rated “Outstanding” in all areas.
Teach First are especially pleased that the inspectors noted the strong focus on the most disadvantaged pupils runs through all aspects of the programme – Teach First “leaders place tackling disadvantage at the heart of the decisions they make about key aspects of training.”
Other highlights from the report include the programme’s quality – “ECTs receive expertly designed training that is calibrated exceptionally well to meet their needs” and how it trains mentors to support their ECT effectively: “What mentors learn on their training programme is well attuned to what ECTs cover. The training enables mentors to reflect on the ECF and their own professional experiences to craft discussions with ECTs.”
The full report will be published in the next few days on the Ofsted website.
Over and above the outcome, what we are most proud of is the impact that the ECF programme is having on the teachers working in schools serving the children most in need. Thank you for your continuing commitment to working with us on the ECF programme. Together we can make a real difference in helping all young people achieve their potential.
Ofsted Interim Review
The Ofsted interim review has been released, which sets out the key findings from the first year of Ofsted’s review. Whilst it highlights some challenges, it largely shows that the ECF and NPQs represent a step forward in terms of the training and support offered to professionals. You can read the full report here and some further information here. This week has also seen the full judgements released for EDT and Teach First, which you can see here.
This is fantastic news related to the golden thread, and we celebrate the successes of the programmes. There is a long journey ahead to overcome some of the initial challengesbut we will continue to work diligently to continue to grow the successes of the ECF and NPQs.
As always, any questions, please email us: